Flame Weeding Equipment for Chemical Free Farming

Flame Technology For Chemical Free Agriculture
​877-353-7783 / 434-823-4600

Small scale vegetable bed flamer for market farmers

Over the years we have had requests from organic market farmers looking for a tractor mounted vegetable bed flamer that is better suited for growers farming smaller tracts of land, around 3 – 5 acres.
We have always had larger scale vegetable bed and row crop flamers, as well as kits available for farmers who want to do their own welding and configure their own crop flaming equipment.
Now we have an option well suited for smaller tractors and smaller budgets that does not require you to build your own bed flamer.
This bed flamer weighs around 400 lbs. and can flame up to a 6′ wide area in one pass. Each of the 2 propane tanks hold about 8 gallons of fuel. At 3 m.p.h, you can flame around 2 acres.
Cut way back on labor for weeding crops like carrots, beets and salad greens. Slower germinating crops like carrots, and beets can be flamed just prior to germination and salad crop beds can be flamed just prior to planting. (stale seedbed flaming)
There are many possibilities with this flaming equipment.
We can also configure it for row crops and small scale orchard and vineyards.
Watch the video below and let us know what you think.
.Contact us for more information.

1 thought on “Small scale vegetable bed flamer for market farmers”

  1. Interested in the small scale veg flamer
    I have 1 acre of farm area and a small kubota bx tractor. If you have a kit that would be awesome as it would probably be cheaper for shipping to BC Canada.

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Charles House
Earth & Sky Solutions