Vegetable Bed Flaming
Red Dragon Vegetable Bed Flamers offer producers many options for weed control while reducing or eliminating herbicide usage. Flamers burn clean, efficient propane, so there is no residue, run-off or contamination to worry about. Row crop flamers use 4 – 7 gallons of propane per acre, making the application roughly half the cost of herbicides in a normal year. Flaming can be done pre-emergence and post emergence and has been proven effective on a wide variety of crops, including corn, milo, sorghum, soybeans, cotton, salad greens, asparagus, beets, carrots, parsnips and more.
Great For Sterile Seed Bed & Pre-emergent Flaming.
Flaming Kills Weed, Grasses, Insects and Insect Habitat.
Uses Clean Efficient Propane.
Safe For the Environment – No Runoff or Water Contamination.
Safe For the Operator: Electronic Shutdown from the Drivers Seat.
Flame Applications Can Be Done Directly Ahead of the Planter. No Need To Wait Unlike Spraying.
Flame Applications Can Be Done When It Is Too Wet To Cultivate.
Great For Conventional and Organic Growers.
USDA Approved Organic Method.
Complete Units Designed for 5′ up to 20′ Widths.
Kits are available for 5′ up to 30′ Widths
Larger kits are available

The Red Dragon Vegetable Bed Flamer can be used on all crops pre-planting to produce a sterile seed bed. Crops like corn and soybeans can be flamed a second time as the crop emerges to kill weeds that emerge with the crop. Potatoes can be flamed at 2-3 leaf stage to kill weeds and Colorado Potato Beetle. Carrots and other raised bed crops can be flamed pre-plant and again before plant emergence. Any flaming where a broadcast type application is required.
A vegetable bed flamer is also a great tool for strawberry renovation!
Red Dragon Vegetable Bed Flaming Units come with everything you need to get started (except for the liquid withdrawal tank). Available in 2, 4, 6 and 8 row models.
Always consult your propane dealer about purchasing the proper tank or have them check your existing tank to make sure it is clean and safe before you begin flaming. You MUST use a propane tank equipped with a Liquid Withdrawal Valve. Do NOT use a bottom withdrawal valve as any possible debris or scale may plug torches or solenoids down the line. We recommend a top-mounted, liquid withdrawal valve with a dip tube which reaches close to, but does not rest on the bottom of the tank. Clean fuel and tank are critical for optimum performance of all flaming equipment.
8 Row (20′) Vegetable Bed Flamer w/ hydraulic folding tool bar

• Complete roll cage protection for the tank and control heads.
• Tank strap with valve guard assembly.
• Category 2 – 3 point hitch.
• Tool bar complete with mounting brackets.
• Hydraulic folding tool bar (included on 6 and 8 row units).
• Complete manifold assemblies with electronic solenoids.
• Cab control box with master shut-off switch.
• Toolbar leg assemblies for consistent burner height.
• All burners required for your configuration.
• All necessary hoses cut to length with brass fittings.
• Fuel Strainer.
• Red Dragon Vapor Torch Kit for lighting burners.
*NOTE: Number of rows are besed on how our row crop flamers are configured – 2 torches per row.
Vegetable bed flamers utilize LT 2 x 8 torches. Each LT 2 x 8 torch projects a sweeping flame up to 18″ wide and 36″ long. The areas of coverage specified below are appoximate.
• 2 VBF or 2 VBFC – 60” or 5 ft.
• 4 VBF or 4 VBFC – 120” or 10 ft.
• 6 VBF or 6 VBFC – 180” or 15 ft.
• 8 VBF or 8 VBFC – 240” or 20 ft.
• 12 VBFC 330″ or 30 ft. (Sold as Kit Only – See below)
Larger kits can be made – Please contact us with your specifications
• Complete manifold assemblies with electronic solenoids.
• Cab control box with master shut-off switch.
• Toolbar leg assemblies.
• All burners required for your configuration.
• All necessary hoses cut to length with brass fittings.
• Fuel Strainer.
• Valve protector for a 120 gallon, 250 gallon or 500 gallon propane tank. (specify size)
• Custom Mounting Brackets for the Toolbar legs. (specify dimensions)
Here is a short clip of a complete 4 row (8 torch) vegetable bed flamer doing pre emergence weed control for carrots.
This clip is of a 2 row (4 torch) vegetable bed flaming kit on one of our larger small scale frames.
A 2 VBCF can be attached to this 3 point hitch frame suitable for smaller tractors which includes a 120 gallon propane tank with a liquid withdrawal valve and tank adapter.