Wet weather all across the mid Atlantic region has prompted more calls for row crop flaming equipment this year.
With a Row crop flamer you can control weeds in the crop row and in between the rows without the use of chemicals.
You won’t disturb the soil like you do with mechanical cultivating for weed control so you are not churning up new weed seeds and there’s less weed germination.
Even in moist conditions, if you can get a tractor in the field, you can effectively flame. If it rains just after flaming – that’s okay!
The best time to flame weeds is while they are still small.
Order your row crop flamer, vegetable bed flamer or other flaming equipment early, before you have a “weed-mergency”!

Row crop flaming in wet conditions
Welcome to the Fire Power for Your Farm Blog!
It is my goal here to share more of the finer details about the agricultural equipment we sell and the benefits of using it.
Feel free to comment, ask questions and let me know of the challenges and needs you have on your farm.
I hope the information you see here in this blog and on the rest of this website will help you find the solutions that will help you overcome challenges and make your job easier, more satisfying and financially rewarding.
Charles House
Earth & Sky Solutions
It is my goal here to share more of the finer details about the agricultural equipment we sell and the benefits of using it.
Feel free to comment, ask questions and let me know of the challenges and needs you have on your farm.
I hope the information you see here in this blog and on the rest of this website will help you find the solutions that will help you overcome challenges and make your job easier, more satisfying and financially rewarding.
Charles House
Earth & Sky Solutions