Flame Weeding Equipment for Chemical Free Farming

Flame Technology For Chemical Free Agriculture
​877-353-7783 / 434-823-4600

Food Safety begins on your Floors

Poultry House Flame Samitizer - Food Safety begins on your floors.

I will always remember the day…
A poultry grower over on the DelMarVA peninsula in MD was hosting some folks from his integrator who came to his farm to watch him flame sanitize his poultry houses.

When he had finished flaming one of his houses the grow out personnel were gathered at the front door with the grower, and they asked him what he thought the poultry house sanitizer was doing to his floors.

While the grower was giving them his explanation, he started naming poultry diseases while pointing at ground and said “If it’s in the floor I don’t get it.”

I will never forget the level of confidence I heard that day from a grower who relies on his Red Dragon Poultry House Sanitizer to keep his flocks healthy and profitable.

Another grower in NC comes to mind who had Dermatitis that wouldn’t go away,… When he got a sanitizer and flamed his houses, the problem went away.
One day when we were talking on the phone about his poultry house sanitizer it was equally memorable and compelling when he told me “I won’t grow chickens without it.”

God I love my job!

If you’re having problems that won’t go away in your poultry house floors, or are just looking for an edge in your sanitation strategy, contact us for more information about the Red Dragon Poultry House Flame Sanitizer


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It is my goal here to share more of the finer details about the agricultural equipment we sell and the benefits of using it.
Feel free to comment, ask questions and let me know of the challenges and needs you have on your farm.
I hope the information you see here in this blog and on the rest of this website will help you find the solutions that will help you overcome challenges and make your job easier, more satisfying and financially rewarding.

Charles House
Earth & Sky Solutions