Flame Weeding Equipment for Chemical Free Farming

Flame Technology For Chemical Free Agriculture
​877-353-7783 / 434-823-4600

Flame Weeding No-Till Cover Crops

Flame Engineering Inc. Red Dragon agricultural flaming kits offer versatility  for many applications.
Flaming No-Till cover crops to suppress growth of the cover crop can enable an earlier planting date.

Roller Crimper developed by the Rodale Institute
Flame Engineering Inc. Red Dragon Vegetable Bed Flamer Kit assembled on a Monosem Seeder


Welcome to the Fire Power for Your Farm Blog!

It is my goal here to share more of the finer details about the agricultural equipment we sell and the benefits of using it.
Feel free to comment, ask questions and let me know of the challenges and needs you have on your farm.
I hope the information you see here in this blog and on the rest of this website will help you find the solutions that will help you overcome challenges and make your job easier, more satisfying and financially rewarding.

Charles House
Earth & Sky Solutions