In conventional tobacco it’s common to use herbicides such as Poast, Aim, Devrinol or Spartan to control weeds.
With organic tobacco, you are limited to cultivation & hand labor.
Controlling weeds in organic tobacco can make or break a farmer’s profit margin. Depending on the weather, it can be a daunting task requiring hundreds of man hours costing thousands of dollars for many farms.
That is until the introduction of flame cultivation equipment specifically designed for use in tobacco.
Over the past few seasons a number of farmers have benefited from flame weeding their tobacco.
A precisely directed flame eliminates weeds and destroys weed seeds on the soil surface without damaging the crop. An additional benefit to flame weeding tobacco is that as you flame the weeds you are also flaming off emerging ground suckers.
With organic tobacco, you are limited to cultivation & hand labor.
Controlling weeds in organic tobacco can make or break a farmer’s profit margin. Depending on the weather, it can be a daunting task requiring hundreds of man hours costing thousands of dollars for many farms.
That is until the introduction of flame cultivation equipment specifically designed for use in tobacco.
Over the past few seasons a number of farmers have benefited from flame weeding their tobacco.
A precisely directed flame eliminates weeds and destroys weed seeds on the soil surface without damaging the crop. An additional benefit to flame weeding tobacco is that as you flame the weeds you are also flaming off emerging ground suckers.

A timely application of propane fueled flame will eliminate a lot of hand labor, saving money and improving crop quality.
You can flame weed throughout the growing season through lay-by and first harvest all the way to harvest.
There is no disturbing of soil, thereby no turning up new weed seeds and no disturbing plant roots.
Even in a wet year, if it’s dry enough to get a tractor into the field, you can flame weed your tobacco.
Tobacco flame weeders are fueled by propane which is an inexpensive EPA certified non-toxic fuel.
The fuel consumption for a tobacco flamer is around 7 gallons of propane per acre.
During the growing season propane costs about a dollar per gallon or less.
There is no disturbing of soil, thereby no turning up new weed seeds and no disturbing plant roots.
Even in a wet year, if it’s dry enough to get a tractor into the field, you can flame weed your tobacco.
Tobacco flame weeders are fueled by propane which is an inexpensive EPA certified non-toxic fuel.
The fuel consumption for a tobacco flamer is around 7 gallons of propane per acre.
During the growing season propane costs about a dollar per gallon or less.
If you are a tobacco grower or are considering growing organic, PRC or conventional tobacco I welcome you to contact us for more information on this tobacco flame weeding equipment.