The Red Dragon Poultry House Flame Sanitizer, manufactured by Flame Engineering in Lacrosse, KS has a history of eradicating (HPAI) Avian Influenza, since 2005.
See this 2005 press release from the Propane Education & Research Council.
Since the inception of the Poultry House Flame Sanitizer in 2004, growers around the world have utilized this technology to eradicate diseases in their poultry houses like Dermatitis, Blackhead, Infectious Laryngotracheitis and many other floor and litter related diseases, as well as Avian Flu.
Flame Engineering has been an innovator and a leader in Agricultural Flame Technology since 1959.
Now may be a good time for you to step up and take advantage of the benefits of flame!
For more information and a quick response, contact us today.