Flame Weeding Equipment for Chemical Free Farming

Flame Technology For Chemical Free Agriculture
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Eradicate Bird Flu with HEAT!

If you follow the poultry industry news, It seems like every other day there is another Avian Flu outbreak.
From coast to coast American poultry producers are on high alert and doing their best to protect their flocks, while those around them may be dealing with and Avian Flu disaster on their farms.

When a poultry farm gets diagnosed positive for A.I. there are certain protocols that need to be followed in order to deal with the disease and get the farms back to producing.

According to this National Chicken Council article on Avian Influenza, “In the event of an outbreak, the poultry industry has strict procedures in line with state and federal organizations to identify the problem and reduce the spread of the disease. When avian flu is detected, the following five-step response plan is carried out: 

  1. Quarantine 
    First, the farmer ensures that the affected flock stays put in one area, along with any equipment that has been near the birds. 
  2. Eradicate 
    The affected flock is then quickly and humanely euthanized. 
  3. Monitor Region 
    At the same time, both wild and domestic birds in a broad surrounding “control” area are tested and monitored for avian influenza. 
  4. Disinfect The farm where the flock was housed is then thoroughly disinfected to ensure any traces of the virus is killed. 
  5. Test Last, the entire poultry farm is carefully tested for 21 days to confirm it is free of bird flu before allowing a new flock of birds to arrive.”

After the flock has been eradicated and disposed of and while authorities are monitoring birds in the surrounding area, thoroughly disinfecting the farm is the next important step in ensuring that Avian Flu is no longer present and the farm is ready for a new, healthy flock.

That’s where the Avian Flu Eradication Machine, a.k.a. the Red Dragon Poultry House Flame Sanitizer comes into play.

In this article Dr. Erica Spackman, USDA ARS says “Heat is a good alternative to complete removal of organic material and the research report said it could also improve safety for individuals involved in recovery at infected premises.”

“the research recommended that in an outbreak situation, a poultry house should be heated to the highest temperature that is practical and for the longest time that is practical.”

With a flame sanitizer, traveling at one half mile an hour you can safely and effectively sanitize your bare floors or litter, up to 3 inches’ depth. You can also flame sanitize the roads around your barns with the sanitizer and use the hand torch that comes with it to sanitize entry walks and other areas that may have been affected by A.I.

The Red Dragon Poultry House Flame Sanitizer far exceeds the heat necessary to eradicate Bird Flu on bare floors or litter, so you can proceed with testing and get back to healthy, profitable flocks.

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Charles House
Earth & Sky Solutions